
I have published nine books. The two newest books, “Jangan Bunuh KPK” and its translation “Don’t Kill KPK”, are based on my current research to strengthen the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The publications are supported by the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and PuKAT Korupsi (Centre for Anti-Corruption Studies) of UGM. To download the PDF version, please click the cover books below.





The other seven books could be downloaded from the link below.

  1. Indonesian Constitutional Reform 1999 – 2002.
  2. Amandemen UUD 1945: Antara Mitos dan Pembongkaran.
  3. Negeri Para Mafioso.
  4. Negara antara Ada dan Tiada.
  5. Indonesia Optimis.
  6. Cerita di Balik Berita: Jihad Melawan Mafia.
  7. No Wamen No Cry.


co indonesian constitutional reform (2)

amandemen uud 1945


negeri para mafioso

negara antara ada dan tiada

Indonesia Optimis

cerita dibalik Berita (2)