Payment Gateway Case

I was named as a suspect by Bareskrim (the Police) in March 2015. Since then, many people have asked me about the so called “Payment Gateway” case. It is actually our effort to reform the passport payment from manual to online system. The goal is to eliminate the complicated, inefficient, corrupt and full of calo (brokers) process.

Regardless the questions, I have been quiet. Now, after more than two years, I think it is about the time for me to share some of these supports to my case from very well-known and trusted public figures. These articles off course did not discuss my case in detail. However, I hope you can feel and get some ideas.

I cannot thank you enough for your supports and endless friendship during this challenging time for me and my family. Our best wishes for all of you and your love ones.

Salam hangat dari Melbourne,

Denny Indrayana



Tidak Ada Kerugian Negara


Syafii Maarif


PSHK Tidak ada Kerugian Negara



Mahfud - Yakin DI Tidak Korupsi


Jimly - Sepele

#Ambo Picayo Denny


Rely _ Saya Percaya Denny


UGM - Tidak Salah


Pukat UGM - Bukan Korupsi


Pukat UGM - Terobosan Bukan Korupsi


ICW - Tak Layak Dipidana


Dipaksakan Jadi Tersangka


ICW - Janggal


ICW - Kesalahan Administrasi


ICW - Kriminalisasi




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Unimelb 1


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